Hiking the Bruce

Some couples golf, others play cards, binge-watch on Netflix or even cook together. Michel and I enjoy hiking and during the winter, snowshoeing. That’s our thing (besides planning for the Quest – which is really more my thing). We prefer hikes that are a little challenging, have interesting scenery and aren’t crowded with other hikers.
We planned on doing lots of hiking during our Quest 2018 summer road trip, including hiking a portion of the famous Bruce Trail in Bruce Peninsula National Park. As noted in Moon Ontario Guidebook, “One of Canada’s iconic outdoor experiences is a hike along Ontario’s Bruce Trail, an 845 kilometer hiking route that extends from the Niagara region to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula.”
Our visit to Bruce Peninsula National Park was the perfect opportunity to hike a small portion of the trail. But which section? Since the area is very busy during the summer we were keen on avoiding tourists, as much as possible. We finally chose the portion of the trail starting from the Halfway Log Dump point to Stormhaven, for a total hike of 7.2 km. Labeled a “black diamond” in terms of difficulty (most difficult rating), the hike was at times challenging but so worth it. It was spectacular! This part of the Bruce trail has been described as “one of the most remote and scenic parts of the Bruce Trail with high cliffs overlooking blue waters.”

So true. The bay could rival any Caribbean water with its turquoise and blue shades.

One of the most beautiful hikes I’ve ever done.