Point Pelee: A Birder's Paradise

My visit to Point Pelee coincided with the Festival of Birds (yes, I planned it that way) which takes place in early May. During the Festival, Point Pelee is transformed into a birder’s paradise as more than 390 species of birds descend on the Park during their Spring migration. To celebrate, all kinds of activities, including lunch and learn seminars, guided walks, binocular clinics, are organized.
During our three days in the park, we discovered dozens of birds we had never seen before. My brother's Jean's photograph are amazing. Here is a sample of the thousands of photos he took during our stay in the park.
Let's start with one of my favourites: the Yellow Warbler

The Baltimore Oriole:

The Red-bellied Woodpecker

I think this one is a Brewer’s Blackbird (but don’t quote me on this)

A Turkey Vulture (scary looking thing)

A Wild Turkey

Ok, that's it for my knowledge of birds (I need a better birding book), but here are a few more photos:

A big thank you to my brother Jean for all the incredible photos!