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Point Pelee: A park well-worth visiting

Point Pelee re-affirmed my decision to visit all National Parks. If it wasn’t for my Quest I most likely would have never visited Point Pelee. Exploring Point Pelee was very much worth the 8 hour drive from Ottawa. Here are the top five reasons why I loved Point Pelee:

  1. The flora's diversity as the park represents five separate habitats: beach, cedar savanna, dry forest, wet forest, and freshwater marsh.

2. The opportunity to stand at the most southerly tip of mainland Canada, and it is literally a tip of land that juts into Lake Erie. Here are our boys playing on the tip:

3. Hiking the park’s 14 km of trails where you can find in one single hike a jungle-like forest, a beach and a marsh. It was amazing.

4. Camping overnight in the park’s Otentik tents. Rustic comfort in a great location.

5. And last but not least, the birds! Point Pelee is known as one of the top 15 birding sites in North America and I got to experience it firsthand. Here is photo of a turkey vulture:

More on the birds and my brother Jean’s outstanding photographs in my next blog.

But the best part of my trip to Point Pelee was traveling with my family. The six of us had so much fun and I hope they’ll all join me again when I travel to other parks.

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