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The Quest Schedule for 2018

I love Antoine de St-Exupery’s quote: “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. I'm a great believer in goals and am therefore, constantly planning: for the day, the week, the month, the year, for travelling, for cooking, for exercising (and those are just a few of my goals). Before every trip I spend hours researching routes, accommodations, restaurants, activities, events. I also prepare detailed itineraries for each travelling day.

I am SO looking forward to planning my expeditions to our National Parks! And since I have 47 parks to visit in a ten-year span that means lots of planning, particularly as travelling to certain parks will be very challenging. I calculated that to reach my goal, I have to visit approximately 5 parks per year. Although I expect that some years my travel budget will only get me to a few parks.

2018 will be a busy year as I'll be visiting 6 parks: De La Mauricie in March, Point Pelee in May, and Bruce Peninsula, Georgian Bay and Pukaskwa in August. I've already spent many hours researching each of these trips and am looking forward to blogging about the details in future posts. So stay tuned...

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