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The Quest Commences

In October 2017, my quest to visit Canada's 47 National Parks was born. According to Quest Theory (yes, there is such a thing) all quests must include five elements. I am pleased to report that my own quest satisfies all five elements:

1. A quester: Me (and Michel, my husband).

2. A place to go: in this case there are lots of destinations: 47 parks across Canada.

3. A stated reason to go there: my desire to experience Canada's nature.

4. Challenges and trials: I expect lots of those in the years to come as 11 of the 47 parks are located in the far north.

5. The real reason to go which according to the theory is always self-knowledge. And yes, the main purpose of my quest is to learn more about our great country.

I have found my quest and am already deep in planning for the years ahead.

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